

Visit to Rural Secondary School in Chongqing
2012 / 10 / 29

Charity Foundation

Nearly 60 Emperor Group staff volunteers set off on 29th October to visit a rural secondary school in Chongqing City and met the students whose parents were mostly away from home working in the city. The volunteers also brought with them a piano, a LED TV set and other teaching tools sponsored by the Group as gifts to the school.

Working populations in rural areas in China have been migrating to nearby cities in recent years, leaving a considerable amount of youngsters living on their own in their home towns. This has become a social issue as these children and teenagers, generally called “liushousheng”(staying students), have been deprived of parental care and bonding as well as separated from the world outside. Jielong Secondary School, a leading school in Banan District in Chongqing City that received the Group’s volunteers, for example, has a student demographic of over 90% of liushaosheng, with nearly 300 from financially challenged families and more than 100 orphans and single-parented children.

The volunteers spent 2 days at the school. They first acquainted themselves with the students on Day 1 in a group game session they devised and hosted. The volunteers were impressed by the students’ innocence and simplicity when they played all the games with full heart. The two parties joint hands to paint the walls of the school’s newly built Art Room and Music Room on Day 2 and staged a finale of traditional Banggu dance. They all made their handprints on a display board to marked their friendship and put their 2-day encounter to a happy end.